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Nov 21, 2019: We’re right in the thick of reviewing submissions for NVJS12, which means that our Guest Editor for this volume has officially commenced duties! We’d like to take a moment to introduce him here.

Dr Alexander Brown is an early-career researcher whose work looks at contemporary social movements in Japan and the Asia-Pacific more broadly. He’s currently based in Tokyo as an international research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), and is affiliated with Japan Women’s University, as well as University of Technology Sydney.

We’re excited to have Alexander on board and look forward to working with him to bring NVJS 12 to fruition.


We also take this opportunity to extend another big thank you to our outgoing Guest Editor, Dr Emma Dalton. We thoroughly enjoyed working with Emma on NVJS 11 and remain in awe of her incredible time-management skills. Emma took on NVJS alongside a heavy teaching and research load, and managed to meet all her commitments at a high standard–evidenced by the fact that she is currently in Japan on a Japan Foundation research fellowship (which she applied and prepared for whilst simultaneously editing NVJS 11).

Thanks again Emma!


If you’re an early to mid-career academic in Australia or New Zealand and are interested in guest editing NVJS, please get in touch.
Alumni authors most welcome :)

See our past Guest Editors here>>

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