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Below is an overview of the selection process and subsequent editorial process for papers, which is approximate and for reference only. This process is subject to change.

Stage 1: Internal Review #1

Submissions are reviewed internally by our academic Guest Editor and Series Editor for readability, coherence of argument and compliance with the NVJS guidelines. Only submissions which comply with the NVJS guidelines pass this stage. You may be asked to revise your work based on this first internal review.

Stage 2: Peer Review

Papers that pass the internal review stage are sent out for double-blind peer review by at least two experts in related areas.

Stage 3: Author Revisions

Authors receive feedback from reviewers, and are invited to revise their work to incorporate this feedback. Authors are strongly encouraged to involve their supervisors in this revision process.

Stage 4: Internal Review #2

Revised papers are reviewed by the editors, and a decision about whether to publish is made based on the quality of the revisions. Further amendments may be requested.

Stage 5: Editorial Decision

Authors receive notification of the editors’ decision. Successful authors begin any necessary permission requests for reproducing images or other copyrighted material (if they have not done so already). Additional revisions may be required.

Successful authors are requested to sign a publication agreement and provide a portrait photo for use on the NVJS website.

Stage 6: Pre-Layout

Manuscripts and any additional files are prepared for layout. Authors and the editors proof the layout manuscript, which is then sent to the layout designer. Authors may be asked to follow up on any final queries.

Stage 7: Layout Proof

The first layout of each paper is sent to the authors for proofing. The editors also thoroughly proof the layout. Corrections and changes from the editors and author are collated, marked up onto a single manuscript and returned to the layout designer, who reflects the changes.

Stage 8: Final Proofs

The layout is proofed by the editors a second time. Changes (minimal only) are again collated and returned to the layout designer. Final proofs are returned to the editors and undergo a final check.

Stage 9: PDF Release

The PDF versions of the papers are published online.

Stage 10: HTML Release

The HTML version is prepared based on the final PDF and published online.


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