Dec 12, 2020: For NVJS 13, we’re doing something different (because 2020).
This past year has been a departure from the usual in so many ways. Here at NVJS, we decided that we’d harness a break in our usual publication cycle to think about how we might better support emerging scholars of Japan in our rapidly changing world.
And what we’ve come up with is this.
We’re planning to publish our next volume, NVJS 13, as a special issue related to an upcoming symposium, titled “Beyond Japanese Studies: Challenges, Opportunities and COVID-19”, co-organised by The University of New England (Australia) and The Japan Foundation, Sydney.
The symposium invites early career scholars from the broader Asia-Pacific region (including the US) to present based on the ‘Beyond Japanese Studies’ theme, considering ways in which they might be able to increase the relevance and reach of their research. The top presenters will then be invited to submit a paper for consideration for the NVJS 13 special issue.
In this way, NVJS hopes to:
- support emerging scholars of Japan across the Asia-Pacific region to navigate emerging challenges and opportunities
- provide a platform for early career scholars in the Asia-Pacific to contribute to ongoing conversations about the future of Japan-related scholarship
- build networks among early career scholars across the Asia-Pacific
- create a record of scholarly responses to this historical moment as a springboard to future discussion and advocacy
NVJS 13 is scheduled for publication in September 2021.
NVJS 13 Call for Content
In line with the above, we won’t be opening our usual call for papers this year. Instead, we encourage any early career scholars interested in publishing with NVJS to submit an abstract for the Beyond Japanese Studies symposium.
We’re delighted to say that we’ll be releasing our usual call for reviews next year. If there’s a book you have your eye on, feel free to get in touch and let us know. Otherwise, keep an eye out for our annual Japan-related scholarly publication roundup in early 2021.
Find out more about the NVJS 13 special issue.
Symposium Details
Dates: February 18-19, 2021 (AEDT/Sydney time)
Venue: Online (via Zoom)
Abstracts: Submit by January 18, 2021
- Postgraduate to recent PhD graduate (up to 7 years post-PhD, non-tenured)
- In or from Australia, New Zealand or the broader Asia-Pacific region (including US)
- Presenter honorarium of AU$100 per person (maximum 12 presenters)
- Publication opportunity with NVJS 13
See symposium website for further details.
We hope to see you there!