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New Voices in Japanese Studies

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Volume 7 of New Voices in Japanese Studies, The Japan Foundation, Sydney’s journal for emerging local scholars.

This volume brings with it a number of changes, as regular readers will no doubt recognise. First, the name of the journal has changed slightly: to the former title of New Voices‘, we have added the phrase in Japanese Studies’. Second, with the new name comes a new logo and a new look. Third, from this volume the journal will be published online only. And finally, the scope of the journal has been broadened to include work from PhD candidates for the first time (it was previously open only to Masters and Honours graduates). I have been delighted to see this journal evolve, and look forward to its continued growth and evolution in future.

On behalf of The Japan Foundation, Sydney, I would like to thank the following people for the time and expertise they have contributed to this volume of New Voices in Japanese Studies: Guest Editor Dr Shelley Brunt (RMIT University), for her outstanding energy, enthusiasm and dedication to this project; the many members of the Editorial Advisory Board for their invaluable feedback to our authors; Designers Jon Zhu and Kevin Vo for the exciting new look and new website respectively; Series Editor Elicia O’Reilly for producing this volume, and for her continued efforts toward revitalising the journal as a whole; and Japanese Studies Department Manager Ayusa Koshi for her ongoing support of the project.

And my final and greatest thanks go to our five authors (and their academic supervisors), without whom this volume would not exist. Thank you for choosing New Voices in Japanese Studies, and I wish you all the very best for your future academic careers.

Nao Endo
The Japan Foundation, Sydney
June 2015

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